Assam Agricultural University.
Last Date: 30/04/2022.
Assam Agricultural University (AAU) has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 12 Project Associate, JRF & Other Vacancy under the “DBT-North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology (DBT-NECAB)”, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat Adhoc Tea Projects funded by Department of Biotechnology, GoI . Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.
Last Date: 30/04/2022.
Assam Agricultural University (AAU) has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 12 Project Associate, JRF & Other Vacancy under the “DBT-North East Centre for Agricultural Biotechnology (DBT-NECAB)”, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat Adhoc Tea Projects funded by Department of Biotechnology, GoI . Interested and eligible candidates may apply here.
AAU Jorhat Recruitment 2022
1. Project Associate-II
No of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: Ph.D. in Agricultural Biotechnology / Biotechnology / Molecular Biology & Biotechnology / Plant Breeding and Genetics / Any Branch of Life Sciences with specialization in molecular breeding with outstanding academic record and proven ability of high R & D work.
Master’s degree in the relevant subject with 1st Division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average with at least two years of research experience as evidenced from Fellowship/ Associate-ship / Training / other engagements and one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI)/NAAS rated (>4.0).
Desirable: Experience in genomics/ statistical genomics and shall be given preference
Emolument: Rs. 35000/- + 8% HRA
Project 1: Germplasm characterization, Genomics analysis and Gene discovery for yield, Metabolite and Stress tolerance in Tea (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. R N Sarma, Prof, Dept of PBG
Date of Interview: 04.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
2. Junior Research Fellow
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: M.Sc (Agri)/M.Tech/M.Sc in Plant Breeding and Genetics/Biotechnology/ Tea Husbandry & Technology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
Desirable: GATE/NET/BLET/ qualified. Experience of working in laboratory with DNA marker other related works oriented to crop improvement.
i) Rs.31,000/- + 8 % HRA (for 1st and 2nd year); Rs. 35,000/- +8% HRA for 3rd year.
(Applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selection processes through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.)
ii) Rs. 25,000 + 8% HRA who do not fall under above (i)
Project 1: Germplasm characterization, Genomics analysis and Gene discovery for yield, Metabolite and Stress tolerance in Tea (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. R N Sarma, Prof, Dept of PBG
Date of Interview: 04.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
3. Junior Research Fellow
No of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: M.Sc. (Agri) in Agricultural biotechnology/ M.Sc in Life Sciences /Biotechnology
Desirable: Experience in working with plant tissue culture lab
i) Rs. 31,000/- per month + 8% HRA
(Applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selection processes through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.)
ii) Rs. 25,000 + 8% HRA who do not fall under above(i)
Project 2: Establishing Efficient Platform for Genetic Engineering and Precise Genome Editing in Tea (Duration: 2 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Salvinder Singh, Professor, ABT
Date of Interview: 04.05.2022 Time: 02:00 PM Onwards
4. Junior Research Fellow
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: M.Sc in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Pathology / Entomology / Soil Sciences/ Tea Husbandry/ Microbiology
Desirable: Experience in Microbiology / Tea Husbandry
i) Rs.31,000 + 8 % HRA(1st and 2nd year) and Rs.35,000/- +8%HRA (3rd year)
(Applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selections process through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.
ii) Rs. 25,000 + 8% HRA who do not fall under above(i)
Project 3: Development of sustainable agriculture practices for biotic and abiotic stress management in conventional and organic tea plantations (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Popy Bora, Jr Scientist, Dept of Plant Pathology
Date of Interview: 05.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
5. Scientific Assistant
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: Graduate in any disciple with experience in Biopesticide / Biofertilizer work
Emolument: Rs.18,000/- + 8% HRA
Project 3: Development of sustainable agriculture practices for biotic and abiotic stress management in conventional and organic tea plantations (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Popy Bora, Jr Scientist, Dept of Plant Pathology
Date of Interview: 05.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
6. Junior Research Fellow
No of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: M.Sc.(Agri) with specialization of Tea Husbandry & Technology/ Agricultural Biochemistry/ Food Science & Technology/Food Science & Nutrition or equivalent qualification
Desirable: Knowledge of Food Processing /Nutrition / statistical analysis software packages
i) Rs.31,000 +8% HRA
(Applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selections process through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.)
ii) Rs. 25,000 + 8% HRA whose who do not fall under above(i)
Project 4: Value addition and Product Diversification in Tea (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Aditi Smith Gogoi, Asstt. Professor, Dept of THT
Date of Interview: 05.05.2022 Time: 02:00 PM Onwards
7. Project Scientist
No of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: Ph.D. in Agricultural Biotechnology / Biotechnology / Molecular Biology / Tea Husbandry Technology / Any Branch of Life Sciences with 2 years of experience in relevant field and outstanding academic record and proven ability of high R & D work.
Desirable: Experience in statistical analysis software packages and Linux environment
Emolument: Rs. 56000/- + 8% HRA
Project 5: Sustainable Management of Tea Waste to Transform the Tea Industry into Carbon Neutral and Zero Waste Industry (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. R P Bhuyan, Professor, Dept of THT
Date of Interview: 06.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
8. Junior Research Fellow
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: M.Sc.(Agri) with specialization of Tea Husbandry & Technology/ Agricultural Engineering or equivalent qualification
Desirable: Proficiency in computer application is essential.
i) Rs.31,000 + 8 % HRA
(Applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selections process through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.)
ii) Rs. 25,000 + 8% HRA whose who do not fall under above(i)
Project 5: Sustainable Management of Tea Waste to Transform the Tea Industry into Carbon Neutral and Zero Waste Industry (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. R P Bhuyan, Professor, Dept of THT
Date of Interview: 06.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
No of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: Ph.D. in Agricultural Biotechnology / Biotechnology / Molecular Biology & Biotechnology / Plant Breeding and Genetics / Any Branch of Life Sciences with specialization in molecular breeding with outstanding academic record and proven ability of high R & D work.
Master’s degree in the relevant subject with 1st Division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average with at least two years of research experience as evidenced from Fellowship/ Associate-ship / Training / other engagements and one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI)/NAAS rated (>4.0).
Desirable: Experience in genomics/ statistical genomics and shall be given preference
Emolument: Rs. 35000/- + 8% HRA
Project 1: Germplasm characterization, Genomics analysis and Gene discovery for yield, Metabolite and Stress tolerance in Tea (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. R N Sarma, Prof, Dept of PBG
Date of Interview: 04.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
2. Junior Research Fellow
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: M.Sc (Agri)/M.Tech/M.Sc in Plant Breeding and Genetics/Biotechnology/ Tea Husbandry & Technology/ Life Sciences/ Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
Desirable: GATE/NET/BLET/ qualified. Experience of working in laboratory with DNA marker other related works oriented to crop improvement.
i) Rs.31,000/- + 8 % HRA (for 1st and 2nd year); Rs. 35,000/- +8% HRA for 3rd year.
(Applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selection processes through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.)
ii) Rs. 25,000 + 8% HRA who do not fall under above (i)
Project 1: Germplasm characterization, Genomics analysis and Gene discovery for yield, Metabolite and Stress tolerance in Tea (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. R N Sarma, Prof, Dept of PBG
Date of Interview: 04.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
3. Junior Research Fellow
No of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: M.Sc. (Agri) in Agricultural biotechnology/ M.Sc in Life Sciences /Biotechnology
Desirable: Experience in working with plant tissue culture lab
i) Rs. 31,000/- per month + 8% HRA
(Applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selection processes through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.)
ii) Rs. 25,000 + 8% HRA who do not fall under above(i)
Project 2: Establishing Efficient Platform for Genetic Engineering and Precise Genome Editing in Tea (Duration: 2 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Salvinder Singh, Professor, ABT
Date of Interview: 04.05.2022 Time: 02:00 PM Onwards
4. Junior Research Fellow
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: M.Sc in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Pathology / Entomology / Soil Sciences/ Tea Husbandry/ Microbiology
Desirable: Experience in Microbiology / Tea Husbandry
i) Rs.31,000 + 8 % HRA(1st and 2nd year) and Rs.35,000/- +8%HRA (3rd year)
(Applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selections process through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.
ii) Rs. 25,000 + 8% HRA who do not fall under above(i)
Project 3: Development of sustainable agriculture practices for biotic and abiotic stress management in conventional and organic tea plantations (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Popy Bora, Jr Scientist, Dept of Plant Pathology
Date of Interview: 05.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
5. Scientific Assistant
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: Graduate in any disciple with experience in Biopesticide / Biofertilizer work
Emolument: Rs.18,000/- + 8% HRA
Project 3: Development of sustainable agriculture practices for biotic and abiotic stress management in conventional and organic tea plantations (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Popy Bora, Jr Scientist, Dept of Plant Pathology
Date of Interview: 05.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
6. Junior Research Fellow
No of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: M.Sc.(Agri) with specialization of Tea Husbandry & Technology/ Agricultural Biochemistry/ Food Science & Technology/Food Science & Nutrition or equivalent qualification
Desirable: Knowledge of Food Processing /Nutrition / statistical analysis software packages
i) Rs.31,000 +8% HRA
(Applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selections process through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.)
ii) Rs. 25,000 + 8% HRA whose who do not fall under above(i)
Project 4: Value addition and Product Diversification in Tea (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Aditi Smith Gogoi, Asstt. Professor, Dept of THT
Date of Interview: 05.05.2022 Time: 02:00 PM Onwards
7. Project Scientist
No of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: Ph.D. in Agricultural Biotechnology / Biotechnology / Molecular Biology / Tea Husbandry Technology / Any Branch of Life Sciences with 2 years of experience in relevant field and outstanding academic record and proven ability of high R & D work.
Desirable: Experience in statistical analysis software packages and Linux environment
Emolument: Rs. 56000/- + 8% HRA
Project 5: Sustainable Management of Tea Waste to Transform the Tea Industry into Carbon Neutral and Zero Waste Industry (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. R P Bhuyan, Professor, Dept of THT
Date of Interview: 06.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
8. Junior Research Fellow
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: M.Sc.(Agri) with specialization of Tea Husbandry & Technology/ Agricultural Engineering or equivalent qualification
Desirable: Proficiency in computer application is essential.
i) Rs.31,000 + 8 % HRA
(Applicable for candidates with NET, GATE, BET, BINC qualified or any other selections process through National Level Examinations conducted by Central Govt. Dept. and their Agencies and Institutions.)
ii) Rs. 25,000 + 8% HRA whose who do not fall under above(i)
Project 5: Sustainable Management of Tea Waste to Transform the Tea Industry into Carbon Neutral and Zero Waste Industry (Duration: 3 years)
Principal Investigator: Dr. R P Bhuyan, Professor, Dept of THT
Date of Interview: 06.05.2022 Time: 10:00 AM Onwards
How to apply for AAU Jorhat Recruitment ?
Intending candidates having requisite qualifications must email their complete Curriculum Vitae along with all the relevant details including contact details, pass certificates, mark-sheets (from HSLC onwards), previous employment records and other testimonials at with a copy to the Director, DBT-NECAB, AAU at
Last date for submission of applications is April 30, 2022.
The shortlisted candidates will be intimated about the mode of conducting the interview prior to 2 days from the date of interview.
Important Web-Links of AAU Jorhat Recruitment
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